MGI Àmbit is excited to present a new service
that can optimise your labour management activities
A giant leap forward in service and control for companies
that require maximum efficiency
and agility in their labour management
We can manage all your HR needs,
with a comprehensive perspective that connects
the HR department with all employees, and vice-versa.
Motivate the entire team
Optimise your HR department's management
Detect and manage employee needs
Strengthen labour relations
Connect your workers, promote efficiency and optimise all your resources
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Medidas precontractuales, consentimiento e interés legítimo.
Proveedores de Servicios de Sociedad de la información, y organismos y/o administraciones públicas.
Ejercicio de los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, portabilidad y limitación.
Consulta la Política de Privacidad