• Àmbit Assessor, Asesores Jurídico-Financieros Barcelona
  • Àmbit Assessor, Asesores Jurídico-Financieros Barcelona
  • Àmbit Assessor, Asesores Jurídico-Financieros Barcelona
  • Àmbit Assessor, Asesores Jurídico-Financieros Barcelona

legal page

ambit assessor

This Legal Notice establishes the terms and conditions for the use of the website www.ambitassessor.com which is made available to users by "Àmbit Assessor, S.L.", hereinafter "AMBIT", whose registered office is in calle Mallorca number 11-13, Olesa de Montserrat, Barcelona province, Spain and whose Tax Identification is B-58569526.

Using this website indicates the user's full and unreserved acceptance of the content of this Legal Notice. This content may vary and for this reason validity will be given to the provisions contained herein at the time when the user is using the website. It is therefore highly advisable to read the content of this notice each time you access the website as it may have changed.

The purpose of this Legal Notice is to set the general terms and conditions for use of the website www.ambitassessor.com which AMBIT makes available to its clients and to internet users in general, providing a series of services either directly or through third parties.

This is a freely available website which users access under their own responsibility, despite the specific services contained on it which require express procurement or the prior condition of being a client of the consulting agency. Such services will request that users register beforehand and that they accept the special conditions which take the place of or supplement this Legal Notice.

Access to the website may be interrupted at any time by AMBIT without prior notice, for reasons such as maintenance, security or any other cause it deems suitable. It this interruption is permanent, AMBIT will inform users thereof.

Users agree to use the website in accordance with what is set forth in this Legal Notice and not to use the information contained herein for carrying out any unlawful, illegal activity which is contrary to good morals and public order.

Activities which may harm the servers or other computer equipment (hardware) or which may overload or render networks, products or computer applications (software) inoperative, whether these belong to AMBIT or third parties, are strictly forbidden.

Users must refrain from:
Collecting data for publicity purposes and sending publicity material of any kind without prior consent.
Sending messages to a group of people or sending chain messages without having obtained prior consent.
Passing this data on to third parties who could carry out the actions indicated in the sections above.

Users who wish to establish a link with the AMBIT website must have received written authorisation to do so beforehand, and must fulfil the following requirements:
The link must provide a direct connection to the home page without being manipulated in any way.
The linked page may not under any circumstances carry out illegal activities which are contrary to good morals and public order.
Frames may not be created which enable the website to be viewed in a way which is different from that set by AMBIT.

The graphic design and source code of the website remain the intellectual and industrial property of AMBIT or, where applicable, of third parties, unless otherwise stated. This also applies for the trademarks, trade names, texts, graphics, photographs, icons, links and other audiovisual content features which this website may contain.

Users may view and obtain temporary, private copies of the contents for solely personal and private use in their computer systems (hardware and software) provided they are not carrying out any profit-making activities. The contents may not be modified or broken down under any circumstances. Users must always respect the industrial and intellectual property rights of this website, which is the property of AMBIT or third parties.

Furthermore, users may not obtain any type of contents from the website using procedures which are not specifically indicated for this purpose. AMBIT is not, under any circumstances, liable for the damages which could affect the computer systems of users who have inappropriately or negligently used this website.

AMBIT may request personal data from users in order to carry out a service, with this data becoming part of the files owned by the company. This data will be processed in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the "Protection of Personal Data" (LOPD) in the strictest of confidence for the purpose of providing the services requested. Likewise, users consent to this data being used to send them commercial information about the company.

AMBIT may not assign this data to third parties freely or in return for payment. Similarly, users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation (Art. 16 and 17 of the LOPD) by sending a written and signed request to the address we refer to in section b of point 9 hereof.

Lastly, the clients who use the "AsesorOnLine" service which is provided on the platform designed by "Sage Logic Control" accept that the data may be stored on the servers used by that company. This data will be processed by "Sage Logic Control" adhering to the current regulations set forth in the "Organic Law on the Protection of Data" and will only be used for the purpose of providing proper service.

The data provided by users are presumed to be true and exact. Therefore, the users are responsible for any incorrectness, falsehood or lack of currentness of the data they provide which may cause harm to AMBIT, to the users themselves or third parties.

Users who
fail to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this Legal Notice or who cause any type of damage or harm to AMBIT shall be liable..
AMBIT shall not be liable for:
The harm or damages which could be caused to users by the interruptions, discontinuation or cancellation of the website services during or prior to their use by users.
The presence of any computer virus or any other harmful computer element. Users must always use instruments for the correct use and disinfection of their computer equipment.
For the information, content or services which result from using the links which are featured on this website.
AMBIT will make use of the means it deems suitable for verifying the truth, accuracy and conformability of the information provided. It shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for the decisions taken by users based on this information.

Users may contact, communicate with or notify AMBIT of any type of information by:
Telephone, calling (0034) 93 778 20 11
Ordinary mail, writing to "Àmbit Assessor, S.L." C/Mallorca 11-13 08640 Olesa de Montserrat – Barcelona – Spain.
Email, sent to ambit@mgiambit.com
In the same way, those communications undertaken by AMBIT with users via the telephone numbers, emails or addresses indicated by the latter will also be considered effective.

All disputes resulting from the use of this website shall be expressly submitted to the Spanish legal system on behalf of both the user and AMBIT, and the courts of law which correspond to the registered office of AMBIT shall have jurisdiction.

Legal MGI Worldwide:

MGI Worldwide is a network of independent audit, tax, accounting and consulting firms. MGI Worldwide does not provide any services and its member firms are not an international partnership. Each member firm is a separate entity and neither MGI Worldwide nor any member firm accepts responsibility for the activities, work, opinions or services of any other member firm. For more information visit www.mgiworld.com/legal.