In MGI Àmbit we seek to provide a technical and effective response to matters that require intervention before the Courts of Justice.
We offer a legal advice service provided by a team of professionals who have extensive experience in procedural, commercial, bankruptcy and civil law. Its purpose is to offer the best defence for all types of procedures, appeals or litigations that might occur.
We do not limit ourselves to reactive action, we believe in preventive advice that can prevent cases from worsening or improve the client's pre-procedural situation, as we also work to obtain negotiated solutions to all judicial or out-of-court conflicts through mediation or arbitration.
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Envío de información comercial sobre nuestros servicios
Medidas precontractuales, consentimiento e interés legítimo.
Proveedores de Servicios de Sociedad de la información, y organismos y/o administraciones públicas.
Ejercicio de los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, portabilidad y limitación.
Consulta la Política de Privacidad