• Àmbit Assessor, Asesores Jurídico-Financieros Barcelona
  • Àmbit Assessor, Asesores Jurídico-Financieros Barcelona
  • Àmbit Assessor, Asesores Jurídico-Financieros Barcelona
  • Àmbit Assessor, Asesores Jurídico-Financieros Barcelona

Labour and Legal area

rigorous, efficient and professional solutions
to ensure business success

At Àmbit, we believe that designing strategies and implementing appropriate labour relations measures that respect and comply with current legislation is not only an employer's duty, it is also essential to the organisation's success.

In times of market demand for expert labour and when there is a shortage of professionals, companies must strive to design compensation packages and offer additional benefits that differentiate them from their competitors, and that is carried out through brave and imaginative interpretations of the legal body regulating the market.

Human Resources has the same need to retain talent, as a high employee churn rate is expensive because of the additional recruitment costs and expenses associated with training, transfer of tasks and welcoming and establishing new employees into a new business culture.

Our main areas of practice are the following:

Contract terminations

Disciplinary dismissals
Objective dismissals
Employee Reduction Plan (ERE)

Other Legal and Labour
related matters

Substantial modifications
of working conditions
Disciplinary sanctions
Professional classifications
Claims for payment
Reductions in work hours
Collective negotiation

Advice on social security procedures

Disputes regarding medical cases

Social Jurisdiction

Defence of lawsuits of all kinds
within the social jurisdiction Drafting and challenging appeals

Work inspections

Drafting claims for acts of infringement
Filing claims challenging sanctions
initiated by a Labour Inspection

Àmbit has an area specialised in labour law, led by a legal professional who has extensive experience in providing labour law consultation to companies and individuals, as well as in resolving all types of labour disputes, using appropriate legal measures in each case, capable of providing rigorous, efficient and professional solutions.

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